I can't remember a Provincial Election that was very interesting to follow. On the right you have PC leader Tim Hudak who's main party platform is the creation of 1 million jobs over 8 years, and the firing of 100,000 public sector workers over 4 years. For Hudak to create 1 million new jobs the economy would have to grow by 125,000 jobs each year for 8 years, plus don't forget finding jobs for the 100,000 he plans on firing. Add to that his proposed tax break to corporations at 3% bringing it down to 8% from the current 11%. It's been proven time and time again that corporate tax breaks do not create jobs. Look at our largest trading partner, the United States during the Bush years when he cut both corporate taxes, and taxes for the top 2%. They just sat on their money and did not invest to create more jobs.
Getting closer to the right is Andrea Horwath of the NDP. The budget that the Liberals put forth was as far left as it could be, yet Horwath decided to defeat the budget, and trigger an election. She said it was not the budget, but the scandal's and the corruption in the Liberal government. Her main platform is to increase corporate taxes by 1%, take off the HST from our energy bills, and invest more money into our schools and health care sectors, but does not have a proper plan to pay for that.
Moving more to the left than the NDP is the Liberal party under the leadership of Kathleen Wynne. Since winning the leadership contest and replacing former Premier Dalton McGuinty, she been followed by the ghost of McGuinty as it relates to all of HIS scandals. Her platform is mainly based on the budget which was defeated by the PC's and NDP. She plans to introduce a made in Ontario pension plan, which would help out our seniors when they retire. The Liberals are on track to wipe out the deficit by fiscal 2017/18 which they've said all along they would be able to do. They don't plan to fire 100,000 public sector workers, they won't increase our corporate taxes, they won't promise to create 1 million new jobs in 8 years.
Now I could spend hours talking about each party's platform, the pro's and con's of each, but I will leave it to you the voter to decide. My oldest daughter is voting for the first time this year, and she asked me who should I vote for. While she knows I support the Liberal Party, I'm not going to put my beliefs onto her. I told her like I tell most people, it's your right to vote, and you should take a look at each political party, including the smaller one's like the Green Party, and based your voting decision on who YOU feel best represents your interests.
So my friends this will be my last post until election night, and I encourage you to vote for the party YOU feel best represents your interests.