I have to tell you that these political leaders will say and do anything to get votes. The NDP plan to remove the HST from our Hydro rates might be a pipe dream.
The reason I say that is because when the McGuinty Liberals decided to merge the PST with the GST, the Federal Government took over the collection of the combined tax. A couple of years ago, the late Jim Flaherty as an incentive to the Ontario government gave billions to Ontario to merge the 2 taxes into the HST. Both the NDP and the PC Party voted against the merger of the tax system.
For the HST to be removed from our Hydro rates, and for that matter any changes to what's charged HST, is made at the Federal level. The Province has to request that Ottawa make any changes to the HST, and given the fact that Ottawa gave billions to Ontario, don't expect that to happen anytime soon.
So Andrea Horwath and promise to remove the HST if elected, but that would most likely be a promise she won't be able to follow through on.