As expected, NDP leader, Andrea Horwath won't support the Liberals 2014 budget, and as a result we are heading the the polls on June 12th, 2014. PC leader Tim Hudak has been itching for an election since losing the 2011 election which was his to win, but of course he blew it.
I will admit that McGuinty really screwed up the Province, and that's why he decided to leave office over a year ago. Wynne is no McGuinty, but Hudak will do his best to label Wynne as an extension of McGuinty which is far from the truth. Since Wynne has taken office a little over a year ago, not one scandal can be associated with her and her team.
Horwath is in the worst position as she still has no plan to move the Province forward. Unions are moving away from the NDP towards the Liberals, and that could result in the NDP losing seats in this election.
So stay tuned as I will be posting regular updates, and doing profiles on all the major political parties.